Soundtrack To The Future – Next Level Tools For Creative Performance & Design for Fan Experience

Celeste Lear –
Immersive Event Producer
Boutique Electronique Music

Talk Title :

Soundtrack To The Future – Next Level Tools For Creative Performance & Design for Fan Experience

Talk Description :

Are you a performer, entertainment professional or anyone interested in the possibilities for future virtual events?

Immersive event producer & experience designer Celeste Lear will dive into conversations around the current landscape of & predictions for future outlooks for the music & entertainment industry in the metaverse and examine new ways to gather to unite in the power of art & music made possible by immersive technology.

Gamification of events, hologram technology, broadcast into 3D spaces, instancing, “dome” 360 & video “mapping” simulations, monetization concepts, “hybrid” & Digital Twin events, & keeping guests healthy & “grounded” in the metaverse, etc.

Let’s all brainstorm, get new ideas & unleash some creativity together for revolutionary future performances!

Celeste Lear’s Bio:

Event producer, immersive experience designer & music director/artist Celeste Lear is a Los Angeles based XR professional with 2 decades of discipline within the digital entertainment, concert/nightlife & audio/visual world.

She has lead various teams & worked on ground breaking projects with world renown production crews to turn out consistently well planned & executed futuristic events, including, high tech multi-media installation experiences, video mapping, conferences, festivals, nightclubs & concerts – both physically and in VR in the metaverse.

Founder of Boutique Electronique Music, her work is also centered around the most current tech and trends for AV, sound engineering, performance, music curation, direction and broadcast.

She has a special passion for projects around environmental sustainability, human connection & the arts.

GatherVerse - Virtual World Symposium