Ida Kymmer: A more human internet?

GatherVerse Asia Summit

Ida Kymmer
Director of Global Affairs

Profile –

Talk Title:
A more human internet?

Talk Description :
Why do we need to change the internet?

What went wrong with the previous iteration?

What are the essential human capacities we are on the way to loose with our current web, and how can we change that?

Can metaverse be the solution?

Can we build the metaverse so that it actually brings us closer, slows us down, and make us spend less, but more quality time online?

Ida has an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies. She has lived in eight countries and speaks five languages.

Her experience from creative technologies is extensive: she worked together with Dexter Studios in South Korea to develop the 3D interior screens for SLS Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, and she has worked with 3D musicals and early VR applications of architectural renderings.

In June 2021, Ida joined Journee. Her work in the metaverse and web3 field is centred around the question “What’s next?”.

She works with the bricks and mortar as well as the newest NFT use cases to have a deep, vertical and horizontal understanding of the current developments.

Together with the best partners in the web3 space, she is driving the cloud rendered Journee solution forward to keep developing the most immersive, seamless, and accessible solution, integrated with interoperability of assets and user ownership.

Ida is a frequent keynote speaker, panellist and moderator and has been speaking at events such as the World Economic Forum, Deloitte Innovation Day, Split X Summit, House of Beautiful Business, yWhales podcast, TechBBQ, Opera Beyond, Gather, Future Blockchain Summit, Fashion Forward, X-Verse, WOW Summit, and many more.

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