01:00:36 Linux Foundation: Removing Barriers to Innovation in Becoming a better Ally: Christopher Lafayette
44:52 The Christopher Lafayette Podcast: Episode #10 -Juan Manuel Escobar: The Evolution of XR in LATAM
The Christopher Lafayette Podcast: Episode #04 – Ethan Bach: “Building the Metaverse with Culture” An Interview with Alt Ethos Founder, Ethan Bach Related videos 33:53 #22 – Sonia Hunt: The Pandemic of Food Allergies 42:31 The Christopher Lafayette Podcast: Episode #09 – Living Purposeful and Authentic Lives 01:23:42 Augmented World Expo Nites NYC 31:47 The Christopher Lafayette Podcast: Episode #12 – Art Proctor: Canada, Calgary and Technology 43:42 The Christopher Lafayette Podcast: Episode #07 – Design through the eyes of the world 40:57 #23 – Bobby Amiri: Guiding the World of Investment 39:46 HOW TO GET INTO TECH The Black Technology Mentorship Program with Christopher Lafayette YVP 33 09:58 Designing the End of Racism with UX STRAT and Christoper Lafayette 01:21:49 Augmented World Nites Florence: Building the Future of Extended Reality Together