Recap - GatherVerse Latin Summit

GatherVerse Latin Summit - Speakers

GatherVerse Latin Summit - Schedule

10:00 AM CDT Fireside chat welcome – Christopher Lafayette | Rosario B Casas
10:15 AM CDT Ana Veneroso – Inclusion Digital de Gênero y el Americas Girls Can Code
10:25 AM CDT Maria Elena Nawar – BID Lab and its role in the ecosystem
10:30 AM CDT Marcelo De Santis | Carolina Veira– The Metaverse promise, the good, bad and the ugly
10:45 AM CDT Toby Eduardo Redshaw – Demystifying the 4th industrial revolution and 5G
11:00 AM CDT Arturo Durán – Es Web3 o Metaverso?
11:15 AM CDT Jimmy Vainstein – Bridging the Gaps
11:35 AM CDT Pico Velásquez – The Metaverse: Designing A New Global Paradigm
12:05 PM CDT Marian Villa – Empatía: Piedra angular en la construcción de comunidad
12:20 PM CDT Ezequiel Canle Santamaria – Intellectual Property, Blockchain & Creative Economy
12:35 PM CDT Guillermo Guzmán – Investments and startups
12:50 PM CDT Claudia Aparicio – Leapfrog in education
1:00 PM CDT Heitor Bravi – Enterprise solutions
1:15 PM CDT Camilo Andres Montanez Aldana – Building a community in the Colombian metaverse
1:25 PM CDT David Silva Ossa – The power of communities (Techqueria)
1:40 PM CDT Nancy Estens – Metaverso 20-40 el futuro
2:05 PM CDT Annalisa Caballero | Patricia Won | Ursula Irribarren – Desarrollando Talento Para web3
2:25 PM CDT Allen Olson-Urtecho – Immersive Design in Indigenous Psychology
2:40 PM CDT Domingo Beta – Marcas Web3 Ready
2:55 PM CDT Nicolas Madoery – DAOs in Music
3:05 PM CDT Ippolito Imani Caradonna – Route to STEM
3:30 PM CDT Maria Clara Mesa Abad – Experiencias inmersivas como medicina
3:50 PM CDT Jesse Martinez
4:05 PM CDT Juan Sebastián Gaviria Garlatti – DAOs: opportunities and challenges
4:25 PM CDT Juan Carlos Guáqueta – Sector social – Web3
4:45 PM CDT Alicia Maule – Givepact: Blockchain for good
5:05 PM CDT Francisco Espinoza – Quien urbaniza el metaverso?… el rol de los arquitectos y las oportunidades de negocio en este sector
5:20 PM CDT Simoneth Gomez Fernandez – ¿Como mantener tu seguridad y privacidad en Web2 y Web3?
5:35 PM CDT Rodrigo González Guerra – Minverso, metaverso aplicado a la minería
5:50 PM CDT David Salas – Talent shortage: Connecting the dots
6:15 PM CDT Dr. Danny Pimentel – Project SHELL
6:30 PM CDT Closing remarks – Christopher Lafayette | Rosario B Casas