GatherVerse Summit 2023 – Day 1
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Opening Day 1: Christopher Lafayette – The Reason Why Being Here Is So Important 11:17 Avi Bar-Zeev – The Metaverse is Made of People 23:56 Genea Barnes – Mindfulness and Technology 34:23 Sara Cole Stratton – Gatherverse Pasifika/Oceania 39:44 Roundtable Panel: Humanity and Technology: A Complex Relationship ~ Panelists: Miranda Lutz | Luiza Castro | Jay Ess | Dr. Ritesh Jain | Sergiu Ardelean | Elisabetta Rotolo ~ Moderator: Lubna Dajani 43:02 Luis Martins – Metaversed habits and behaviours 1:42:45 Isabel Thomas – Who am I now? The many faces on the road to interoperability 1:54:28 Simeone Scaramozzino – Metadelics: New Paradigms in Psycho Emotional Well-being 1:58:06 Charlotte O’Neill – I own, therefore I am? 2:10:03 Roundtable Panel: Accessing the Future: A Panel on Technology and Accessibility ~ Panelists: Giselle Mota | Marques Anderson | Dulce Baerga | Dr. Ed Tse | Shachar Oz | Bariq Rifki ~ Moderator: Grant McGaugh 2:13:15 Roundtable Panel: The Battle for the Classroom: A Panel on Technology and Education ~ Panelists: Meltem Huri Baturay | Omino Gardezi | Dr. Burnetta (Bee) Thomas | Omkar Pimple | Barry Haughey ~ Moderator: Daniel Dyboski-Bryant 3:16:25 Roundtable Panel: Tomorrow’s World Today: A Panel Discussion on Technology, Humanity and the Metaverse ~ Panelists: Samantha Brown | Ricky Houck | Heitor Bravi | Lisa Peyton | Salman Halawi | Ignacio Lopez | Mathew Munyao ~ Moderator: Grant McGaugh 4:11:50